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Tech Literacy in Elementary School

Making it relevant by focusing on content learning

Teaching technology at Meyer Elementary School goes beyond showing kids how to use apps. It gives students a context for learning technology through subject areas, making all learning more relevant. In this video, see some cool ways to incorporate green screen in conjunction with one-to-one for more engaged learning.

How do you use tablets in class?

KQED's Mind/Shift recent blog explored how different teachers and their classes used tablets in these one-to-one classes. The Chicago 5th graders studied were from a school where over 90% of student receive free or reduced lunch.

The table below - with my highlighting added - shows how different students used the tablets over the course of the year. Students were allowed to take tablets home even though only 39% had Wifi access. Research increased for all as a natural function of having the tablets. However, three important instructional practices - creating videos, class polling and taking notes - varied significantly.

Tablet use by different teachers

Why use Tablets in Class? Is one-to-one worth it?

Tablets have become more than a fad at this point.
Here are 21 reasons to use tablets in the 21st century.

professor showcase

Awesome Links by Mr. Graves: Compiled by a 6th grade computer teacher in Las Vegas, it is a place to find great tools. It also demonstrates the power of collaboration.

21 Things 4 Students: Free, fun, engaging. Includes a multitude of project-based units with a wide range of apps. Watch the 3 min. intro video.

GCF LearnFree: Learn and become competent using free quality curriculum for MS Office 2010 programs. Includes great lessons with supplementary videos.

Hour of Code

Hour of Code 2014

Watch the 2023 Hour of Code video

How to teach one Hour of Code with your class

Khan Academy: Use Hour of Code in your classroom.

Re-imagining education requires re-imagining work

Information Literacy Resources

Technology Resources

Learning Tools, Blogging and Collaboration

Cross-Curricular Resources

  • FREE
    Federal Registry for Educational Excellence (FREE) is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Ed. It is encyclopedic in scope; very well organized; easy to search.
  • McREL
    Mid-Continent Research for Education and Learning (McREL), once a Federally sponsored regional education lab. It provides excellent resources from lesson plans to research journals.
  • WestEd
    Once a regional educational lab under the Federal government, it provides excellent resources for research about teaching and learning.
  • Schrockguide
    Kathy Schrock's Guide to Everything maintains a list of excellent Internet resources organized by Subject Access. It is extremely easy to navigate. You will also find Teacher's Helpers and Kathy's own new picks of the month. This site is a "must bookmark" for all.